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Our Service

Are you looking for Durian Product OEM Service?

Yellowstuffs are not just an OEM or Private Labeling Manufacturer, but a partner you can trust for expert advice and commitment to quality.

Bring your brand insignia into the label model.
Create your impressive brand identity.
Utilize our experienced design team to create your private label.
Design your own beautiful packaging.
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Our Services list

OEM products

Durian Mooncake

Durian Pandan Cake

Durian Puree

Durian Cheesebake


8008 Projects are completed
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Our Service

Are you looking for Durian Product OEM Service?

Yellowstuffs are not just an OEM or Private Labeling Manufacturer, but a partner you can trust for expert advice and commitment to quality.

Bring your brand insignia into the label model.
Create your impressive brand identity.
Utilize our experienced design team to create your private label.
Design your own beautiful packaging.
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Latest Projects List

Quality Assurance

Raw Source Supply

Yellowstuffs own over 1,000 acre of durian farm
including Musang King and D24 in Raub,
complementing with 200,000 sqft of durian
processing and storage facility.
